Star Baby - what’s their sign?

New baby in the family? It’s good to have a heads up, to know what to expect. Maybe consider having their birth chart drawn up, it’s a great gift, but see it as extra help rather than a manual to live by. Little one is going to have his or her own agenda!

Aries Baby

Aries is first in line on the zodiac wheel and your little one won’t forget it. First to walk and talk is nothing unusual amongst their infant friends, but they may also be first to have a tantrum if they don’t get their way. He or she is generous with her toys, affectionate and outgoing but they can be extremely curious which might lead to clumsiness. They are very quick to move on from confrontation and whilst you might still be stewing over their latest exploit, Aries is over it! Any illness they encounter is quickly recovered from.

Taurus Baby

Usually Taurus are calm babies, sometimes a little shy and don’t like being the centre of attention but they do like cuddles, lots of cuddles something that never leaves them. Everyone knows Taurus can be stubborn and it’s shown very early on with these adorable babies, and therein lays their secret weapon; adorable equals can’t resist giving into their demands. Perhaps a pattern best avoided! They respond well to colour and sound, to smells and touch and being rules by Venus they love gorgeous things. Especially chocolate. A slow steady approach to their learning works better than any intense concentrated bursts.

Gemini Baby

These are lively babies, all over the place and you will find their attention moves from one thing to the other faster than most. They have a need to explore and are likely to walk quickly and talk even faster to allow them to explore this bright new shiny world they have landed in. A busy imagination can mean they sometimes get confused between what’s real and what isn’t, something they will learn to deal with as they grow older and most likely through creative writing or story-telling. Gemini children don’t like to be confined and will become irritable if kept in, even when they are ill!

Cancer Baby

Cancer babies are sometimes moody and will withdraw if they feel they aren’t being included, easily solved by making sure they aren’t left out especially if they have siblings. Lots of hugs and lots of attention keeps them happy, the boys are usually very attached to their mum and will let you know how much you’re loved constantly. He or she may be fearful of the dark and will need reassurance, which of course brings you back to cuddles but teaching them how to deal with irrational fear would be a better long-term strategy. They will also pick up on your emotions very quickly, they are mirrors of their environment.

Leo Baby

Sunny, friendly babies who will thrive on being the centre of attention so much so you might have trouble getting them to sleep. They are of course the king of the jungle and need to be treated as such, at least they think they should, so your little Prince or Princess may develop a need to be waited on early; encourage it or dissuade them from it; your challenge! They can be dramatic so channel that into acting, singing or dancing all of which they can excel at. Surrounding them will love, rules and can-do attitudes encourages them to greatness.

Virgo Baby

An alert baby they will copy your ways very early on, great mimics so maybe baby talk isn’t the best way to go? They will no doubt talk early and learn to read faster than most. They are sometimes shy babies and may take longer to become accustomed to new people in their lives and watch their eating habits as they can be fussy. A love of animals could be shown early on and can help calm them, Virgo children can worry about things unnecessarily and probably need encouraging to deal with issues swiftly rather than letting them concern them.

Libra Baby

Often very beautiful babies they will wait to be adored and why not? They won’t like to be hurried into anything and getting them out of bed when your little angel reaches school age may be a challenge. They are born under the sign of justice and will have a knack of getting to the truth, if you think you can hide anything from your little Libra think again. He or she is likely to have a sweet tooth and being so gorgeous they are easily spoiled, take care not to overdo the chocolate no matter how much the light up at the sight of it!

Scorpio Baby

From the off their strong personalities are on show, this is a baby that knows what it wants and will hang on until it gets it. They can be quiet babies; they observe rather than comment and finding out what’s going on with isn’t easy. They also have a strong pain threshold so pay attention to their behaviour, they may not cry loudly and show only small signs that things aren’t right. At play they will graduate towards older children, or anyone they can see will teach them something new. Puzzles work well at keeping their attention, an inquisitive and tenacious sign.

Sagittarius Baby

Happy playful babies who will want to be everyone’s friend and gets upset if ignored, quite right too! An active baby who won’t want to sit still for very long and will look for playmates to help them with their next adventure. They are a very honest sign, when asked who ate the chocolate cake you will get a truthful answer; yes, it was them and yes ALL of it. Excess is their thing, they will go over the top which will likely include things like giving their toys away because someone liked them, teaching them boundaries is the way to go.

Capricorn Baby

Order and routine, a good thing for any baby of course but none respond as well as a Capricorn baby and knowing what happens when gives them a sense of security. Evenly tempered and comfortable with their own company it may seem they don’t need much, they just get on with it and you would be right. Friends are good friends but often few, he or she will develop close relationships early on and is likely to learn to walk quicker than most; places to go, things to see. They love the great outdoors, never happier than when they see countryside ahead of them. Get that buggy out.

Aquarius Baby

An unpredictable baby, or maybe predictable in their unpredictability? If you expect them to turn right, they will turn left, if you expect them to like the same food days in a row think again. He or she will be on Aquarius time, simply put they do things in their own time and routines aren’t something they are very good at. Just when you get used to one thing, they will change their mind, embrace it and call it unique, their special gift for that’s just what it is. Your little water bearer won’t be like anyone else. Naturally inquisitive science is something they may show and early interest in.

Pisces Baby

A magical child who will live in a world of their own making and are likely to have imaginary friends, fairies and perhaps the occasional unicorn or two! Don’t worry, this imagination could lead to some amazing things later in life, they make great movie directors, photographers and fantasy writers. Listen to their stories and remember the child within yourself and join in. They absorb information very easily, everything you do or say is being logged by your little Piscean and makes them quick learners. They love animals and are usually very close to their father. Beautiful babies.



North Nodes. Past Lives Being Present

