North Nodes. Past Lives Being Present

North Nodes Find yours here

What? The Nodes of the Moon aren’t really planets, they are mathematical points formed by the Moon’s orbit around the Earth’s path around the Sun! Phew, have you got that? No real matter, what you need to know is they will give you new information based on your year and date of birth, information that goes way back and I mean WAY back, as far as past lives in fact. You can find out where your node is from the tables at the back of this book. For me they give an interesting strengths and weakness view in your chart, what you will find easy and what you are likely to find challenging. When you have found which sign your node is in and read all about it, try to reconcile that with you Sun (star) sign, the combination can be very interesting indeed!

North Node in Aries

You are being asked to develop a more independent nature, that doesn’t mean doing things on your own all the time, it simply means knowing your own abilities and having faith in them. When you become self-aware to this degree there is little that can phase you and the courage it brings you is immeasurable, helping you to become self-sufficient when you need to be as well as an equal partner when in a relationship. You have to be ready to leave behind an eye for an eye attitude that will only result in everyone unable able to see where they are going, a heightened sense of what others see when they look at you is a good thing to develop and means you can better appreciate where they are coming from. You are likely to have had past lives in positions where you have been relied upon by others, but this time you must learn to stand on your own two feet and to let your personality shine through!

North Node in Taurus

Loyalty is something you must cultivate and expect in others, sometimes that’s only done by laying down ground rules and making bottom lines as clear as you can, as well as taking each day at a time. Slowing down may not be easy but that’s the challenge and as soon as you learn that everything needn’t be done yesterday life can take on a richer quality – leave yourself time to stop and smell the roses along the way. Another lesson could be forgiveness, by definition that means there will be those who come along to help you learn it! Try to see that forgiving and forgetting is crucial, one without the other is pretty useless and once learnt you no longer need to be attracted to situations with potential for crisis written all over them, then they will fall away, just make sure you only let go of what you don’t want and not the whole deal. For example you may have a relationship where your partner does something that really irritates you, concentrate on the irritation not the whole relationship – work at it! Try not to be too judgemental of others, remember you are likely to be judged if you judge them. In past lives you are likely to have been the supporting player, now you want equal billing.

North Node in Gemini

We all know what curiosity did for the cat but that was only because it got careless not because it was curious! Ask lots of questions of those around you, you are meant to, that will help you make up your mind about what’s going on and with a little tact and diplomacy you ought to be able to do something with that information. Communication needs to be of the one mouth and two ear variety, in other words listen more than you talk – this way you really will learn what’s going on rather than fall victim to gossip and hearsay. You have a desire to be right, nothing wrong on that as long as it doesn’t become such a desire that others get bored with it and you are accused of being aloof. When you are accused of being a little too righteous for some you may want to take a step back and question your motives in your search for the truth. In past lives you are likely to have been a great follower of an ideal, a great truth seeker, taking you out of personal relationships and neglecting individuals for the sake of your faith, time to redress the balance.

North Node in Cancer

Having a keen sense of how you feel, truly feel will balance out any negativity and prevent you from doing things to please others as opposed to doing what you want to do – knowing the difference is crucial. This doesn’t mean to say supporting others isn’t high on the list, it is and being a shoulder for them to lean on is important, just don’t lose a sense of self, not easy for you and try to realise you cannot control everything and indeed everyone, there are times when they must make their own mistakes. A prime example is your tendency to take charge whilst travelling, you MUST have all the passports, and even when a flight is delayed you are likely to accept responsibility for that! Everything may seem far too difficult and it probably isn’t, you simply have to break things down into bite size pieces in order to make it easier. In past lives you were probably in institutions where your every move was controlled, monastic lives for example where you got out of bed, ate and prayed at the sound of a bell. This time round there’s no bells, just you and those feelings!

North Node in Leo

Lucky you! Your challenge is to have more fun in live, to love life and embrace things with enthusiasm and a real joy of just being here and even taking a few risks along the way. Does this mean you can look at life as a bit of a game? Who told you it wasn’t? You realise pretty early on that everything is up to you, it’s you who makes thing change, it’s you who chooses to worry or not to worry, it’s you who chooses the attitude you approach problems with. Be ready to stand up and have the spotlight shone on you, you will be asked to perform for those who need to learn from you, which is why you teach by example, by showing others what a difference it makes when you have a sunnier disposition. All will mean you have to confront those who want to cover you in cloud, to hide your brightness, the gloom makers! Challenging the gloom makers will need tact and diplomacy, or brashness! Guess which one you prefer? Do it all without appearing egotistical, that really will turn people off in droves. Past lives will have been as a watcher, someone who looks at humanity almost from the outside looking in, now you have the chance to get stuck right in – enjoy!

North Node in Virgo

If you were offered a job you would really love to do but the company wasn’t yet fully established and didn’t have a track record you could look at – would you take it anyway? Taking risks is something you must learn, calculated ones are fine but there must be an element of let’s see for this to work for you. Your organising skills are second to none, able to make something work where others have struggled, to bring chaos into order and to show others how to do the same – no wonder you are sought after! Of course all this can come at a price, you are a bit of a worrier and details are never right for you – something you might need to learn to let go of. On a personal level you can be very sensitive taking every word someone says to you and analysing it until you have made certain there is a problem, even if there wasn’t one! Doubting yourself can be dealt with by looking at what you have already achieved and realising if you have come through that you can come through anything! You have had many past lives where you have not been in the equation, it has been ‘We’ rather than I, ‘us’ rather than me and as a result self-worth needs to be confirmed this time round – so go confirm it!

North Node in Libra

Joining in, being diplomatic and able to have a debate rather than rushing off doing your own needs work! Being able to see others as they see themselves as well as thinking what they truly think of you and then making your approach accordingly needs thought and practice, the being prepared to share what you know, have learnt or earned! There is no such thing as a free lunch so why shouldn’t you expect to have something back for all your effort? Think like that and you’re missing the point. Try to curb impulsiveness, you may find that if you rush into things you will tread on peoples toes causing problems when you attempt to dance with them later on! Compromise is how things move forward, without it there is nothing by argument and stale-mate, this isn’t the same as giving in by seeing that you could save yourself a lot of time and effort. In former lives you are likely to have been very warrior like, extremely self-sufficient a real survivor – all great things, but this time round you are asked to balance that by including others in your life, to learn what making finding the middle ground is all about.

North Node in Scorpio

Works well without supervision is what we want to see at your end of term report! Cultivating discipline is important and as long as you can see where you are heading, what the possible threats are you can do that – can’t you? You can when you get a plan Stan, without one you are likely to drown in chocolate and big squishy sofas – you really need deadlines. Don’t wait to be set them, set some yourself and no matter how small they may seem, they will build into something greater if you persist and ask for help! You must be open to help from others and to show them your emotions, that’s probably all they want in return from you, to know you are happy – and when you are not! You can be a stubborn creature and whilst that may work for some it could be something you want to get rid of, how you go about that is up to you but the clear answer would be too compromise when the chance is offered rather than throw your dummy out the pram. Don’t always take the tough route, there’s probably an easier one if you look hard enough! You more than likely had a very comfortable past life, one where ‘things’ were important to you and whilst there is no reason why you can’t have a comfortable one now, it shouldn’t be everything to you! Learn to put your trust in another, and to step out of the comfort zone!

North Node in Sagittarius

Being able to see your own future is possible with this placement, or should that be able to see clearly what you want and how you are going to get there? Listen to yourself, your inner self that is, and you will be amazed at the wisdom you appear to hold deep within your being and more importantly learn to trust in that wisdom! Time on your own is important to enable this and Mother Nature is even more important, you have to have sense of the great outdoors, a sense of no boundaries and what better way to have that than to physically put yourself in that position? The confidence and optimism this brings ought to cut across any attempt to concern yourself about what other people are thinking, they will be thinking what they are thinking and nothing you do will change that. Don’t allow yourself to be lost in gossip and hearsay, the minute you do the channel to that higher wisdom you hold appear to go and you become bogged down in cappuccino and tittle-tattle, hardly life affirming. Curb your desire for answers right here, right now some people will need to take a little longer, respect that. In former lives you were probably in a teaching role of some sort, one where you were able to second-guess others, now that isn’t appropriate any more it’s about what you are thinking and not them.

North Node in Capricorn

Respecting what you do and how you do it often comes from the approval of others, but does that have any real value? If you think about it that sort of outlook is probably more child-like than adult, you would do better to reassure yourself that you are highly capable and those who doubt it, doubt it – there problem not yours! You will prove just what you can do by staying goals orientated and delivering not only in time but early! A tendency to hang onto the past will be tested, the sooner you learn to look forwards rather than backwards the sooner these circumstances will not be a part of your life. Moodiness can be a problem, one that has more to do with being let down by others than anything you have done yourself – letting others affect your mood isn’t something you want to encourage. Although staying at home is lovely, getting out can be rewarding too and when you feel a little house-bound you know what the answer to that is! Former lives have probably all been about looking after others, nurturing their dreams and ambitions and neglecting your own – now the cookie crumbles in the opposite direction!

North Node in Aquarius

By seeing the whole picture and learning to be more objective you will soon learn that being part of a team works far better than being the star! This doesn’t mean you cannot shine, it simply means you are willing to share what you have and that will bring you rewards and create winning situations all round! You could find yourself more involved in humanitarian projects than most and the plight of the underdog is something you will always be championing. Joining in with groups could range from night school to things that are a little more politically biased and as long as you resist the temptation to have things your way rather than what the group decides they ought work well for you. Learn to follow you heart and let go of doing what is expected of you and to let go of stubbornness within your ideals and you break years of cycles that could have seen you an outsider. In past lives you were probably royalty, now there’s something exciting to think about, but as with all royalty there may have been a tendency to have been out of touch with people – something you can now redress your Majesty.

North Node in Pisces

Of all the node signs you are the one that would benefit most from mediation or any practice that slows your mind down, allowing you to connect to something greater outside of you, something that brings you clarity and calmness. By focusing on a more spiritual way of life the trust you find can be a guide as well as a comfort and help you welcome change into your life in much more positive way. You have to let go of anxiety and the tendency to over-analyse everything to the point of worry, even exaggerated worry – the worst kind! Finding fault with others is often about something that’s reflected in ourselves and once you recognise that you can use your feelings as a mirror that shows you just what’s happening in your own life. Perfection is a tough act to pull off, realising you can simply be the best you can be and to be happy with that is important. When you feel uncomfortable in a situation you ought to have the courage to leave, this shows your commitment to your own happiness something you deserve. In past lives you probably a healer of some sort, conventional or complimentary, where mistakes were life threatening – that do it right or things have terrible consequences attitude may colour this life. Do your best, and be happy doing it.



“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.” Buddha


Star Baby - what’s their sign?