“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.” Buddha


When astrology first became mainstream through newspapers and magazines it was the convenience of sun signs, that helped it along. The sun is in one sign for about a month giving us the twelve signs we all recognise. But the Moon shifts about once every two and half days making it harder to know where she is at the moment you were born, so there’s the first obstacle. Like all things in life, once you know how to find out you won’t forget it. It’s very easy now we have the internet and computers; your date, place and time of birth will tell you what you need to know. 

The sun sign you have will show your personality traits, Aries can be in a bit of a hurry, Cancer loves to be at home; it shows our wants. The moon offers a glimpse at our emotional self, she shows us our needs and for me it always offers a gentler understanding and helps me approach people on a far more sensitive level.

Working with moon signs offers a chance to talk about those needs and to help you achieve and use the full potential offered by the moon. Realising why you react in certain situations means you can do more of it if you like it, or less because you’ve found the source, name it and call it out for release.

As a divination tool we can still use the moon to help predict our week or year ahead; once you find your moon sign that is!

Read your moon sign prediction and ask how it fits emotionally.


Where the Magic Happens


North Nodes. Past Lives Being Present